Photographers survey the reefs of tahiti and moorea from the air for signs of coral bleaching or large schools of sharks 摄影师在空中了望大溪地及摩丽雅岛的珊瑚礁,找寻珊瑚白化及大群鲨鱼出没的迹象。
Water temperature rises of less than one degree coincided with the world ' s worst recorded coral bleaching episode in 1988 世界上有记载的最严重的珊瑚退色事件发生在1988年,刚好这一年海水温度上升了不到1摄氏度。
The assessment in a draft international report by the un intergovernmental panel on climate change ( ipcc ) warned coral bleaching would become more common on the reef as the ocean became warmer and more acidic 联合国跨政府气候变迁小组在一份国际性的报告草案中警告,当海洋温度上升、酸度增加,珊瑚的白化会更普遍。